Welcome to Church Job Seeker Bootcamp!
We’re so glad that you’re taking the time to invest in your church job search. This will give you definite advantages during your time of transition. We’ll walk with you step-by-step during your search, from start to finish.
If you learn better in a group environment, you may want to consider Bootcamp LIVE. It’s a six-week online gathering with a dozen of your job-seeking peers to allow you to take your learning even deeper. Bootcamp LIVE includes a weekly live call, peer-to-peer resume advice, and the opportunity to be in a small group setting with other ministry leaders that are currently asking the same questions you are. You upgrade your experience here.
Here are the topics that we’ll discuss. Click on any topic to get started, but we recommend you watch these sequentially, starting with the first and working your way through.
Bootcamp Sessions and Topics:
The Foundation
Let's get started on your search with these easy steps...
View VideoDeveloping Your Resume
Learn the steps to creating a killer resume...
View VideoBefore Your First Interview
How to best prepare for your upcoming interview...
View VideoYour First Church Job Interview
Learn how to avoid common interviewing mistakes...
View VideoThe On-Site Visit
How to have a successful in-person interview...
View VideoDetermining Financial Needs
Determining your financial needs...
View VideoNegotiating Your Salary Package
How, when, how much, and money matters...
View Video
You Say Yes...
What to know before you accept the offer...
View VideoCustomizing Your Cover Letter
Writing an attention getting cover letter...
View VideoResources to Get You Started
When you are contemplating a change in your church job, it may cause you to question, refine, or even change your calling. So when do you know when to move on? When is the right time to start looking for your next church job?
When you are contemplating a change in your church job, it may cause you to question, refine, or even change your calling. So when do you know when to move on? When is the right time to start looking for your next church job?
What does it mean to bring your faith to bear in your work? Ministry work can be exhausting. Tim Keller shares some insightful truths that you may need to be reminded of as you begin your season of transition.
Your Presenters

Todd Rhoades

Matt Steen
Need Additional Help With Your Search?
Check out these additional resources from our partners at ChurchResumes.com
Our video critique will take a look at your current resume and give specific recommendations to make drastic improvements. We’ll critique your resume based on our 20 resume benchmarks:
Ministry Stability | Ministry Experience | Current Employment | Employment Consistency | Education Level | Ministry Sustainability | Employment Timeline | Stage of Life | Family Dynamics | Online Presence | Picture Quality | Humbleness Quotient | Resume Presentation | Cover Letter | Video/Work Sample | Grammar and Spelling | Font Treatment | Contact Effectiveness | Resume File Format
We’ll go over your Resume Self-Assessment step-by-step in our one-hour call together. We’ll discuss each of our 20 resume benchmarks along with specific recommendations to make your resume better. After you make the suggested edits to your resume, we’ll provided video feedback with any follow-up items
Should I Say or Go? | Rediscovering/Clarifying Your Calling | Determining Your Best Fit | Resume Advice | Interview Preparation | Salary Negotiation
On-Site Visit Preparation | Family Health and Relationships | Literally Anything Transition-Related!