We help churches find healthy staff members
We match each potential candidate with your church’s specific theology, church culture/DNA, and personality to find the right person for your specific role.
The formula for church staff success:
A Vibrant Church + A Healthy Staff = Long-term Fruitful Ministry
A vibrant church
It all starts with a healthy church. We work to find your church’s strengths and weaknesses before we ever try to locate a possible candidate. Every church has a story. We take time to discover yours.
A healthy staff
A vibrant church environment breeds healthy staff members. Our mission to make healthy, long-term connections means that we choose the churches and candidates we work with very carefully.
Fruitful ministry
When healthy churches add new healthy team members, unbelievable things happen. The needle is moved. Lives are changed. And ministry is both effective and fulfilling… This is fruitful ministry.
OUR MISSION: We help churches and potential staff members make healthy connections. Our process has one goal: a long-term, healthy fit for both the church and the staff member. Great things happen when the right leadership is in place in a local church… lives are changed and churches thrive.
Let's start the conversation...
Are you getting ready to start the search process at your church? Or maybe you’re in the midst of a search that needs a little extra help? Let’s talk. We’d love to hear your story and see if there’s a way that we can help find your next long-term ministry staff member.