Church Assessment - Main Assessment Thank you for filling out this assessment. Completion should take about 15 minutes and must be completed in one session. HiddenAssessment Category Church Name Church City Church State Email* If you continue to willfully sin after you are saved you will lose your salvation.* Yes No We would identify ourselves as coming from an Arminian tradition.* Yes No Salvation is by grace through faith alone in Jesus’ finished work on Calvary.* Yes No Jesus physically and literally rose from the dead.* Yes No We believe Jesus Christ rose physically and bodily from the dead and He is coming again.* Yes No While we identify ourselves as egalitarian or complimentarian when it comes to women in ministry, we do NOT require our staff to hold the same view.* Yes No Our next staff member needs to have displayed the filling of the Holy Spirit through speaking in tongues.* Yes No You are saved as a free gift by accepting God's forgiveness through faith in Christ, apart from anything you have done or will do.* Yes No We believe that the Earth was created in six literal days and are not interested in hiring someone with a differing view.* Yes No We identify as complimentarian when it comes to women in ministry.* Yes No We believe that all of the spiritual gifts are for today, but do not require pastoral staff to have spoken in tongues.* Yes No The Bible is the only inspired and infallible record of God's teachings to humanity.* Yes No We believe God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit are all equally God and have always existed and always exist simultaneously.* Yes No If you have not been water baptized you can not go to heaven.* Yes No Jesus was miraculously conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, and was fully God and fully man.* Yes No Heaven and Hell are not literal places. They are concepts that help people live their lives like God says.* Yes No Adam and Eve were created, not born. Human sin and death issue from their fall. The miracles in the Bible literally and truly happened.* Yes No The Bible is the final authority in all matters relating to faith, conduct and spiritual Truth.* Yes No The King James Version of the Bible is the only true and accurate translation of the Bible.* Yes No As long as someone of another faith sincerely believes in their religion it is true for them and God will accept them.* Yes No Jesus Christ died to pay for all your sins, past present and future.* Yes No We would identify ourselves as being Reformed.* Yes No While we identify with either the Arminian or Reformed tradition, we do NOT require our staff to hold the same view.* Yes No Satan is an actual being with a real personality who seeks to destroy God and all that He loves.* Yes No We would identify ourselves as dispensationalist and are only interested in hiring someone with similar beliefs.* Yes No We believe that our church will become a megachurch.* Yes No The ultimate purpose of the church is to teach biblical doctrine and provide a place for believers to gather.* Yes No We believe that the church should be led by a strong board (elder, deacon, etc.).* Yes No Wealth is a sign of God's blessing due to righteous living.* Yes No We believe that the church should always be trying new things in order to reach a changing culture.* Yes No We are a racially diverse church and community.* Yes No Our church relies on the pastor to set direction, make decisions, and lead us to where we are going.* Yes No We totally abstain from alcohol because we believe that’s what scripture teaches.* Yes No Small groups are one of our most important ministries.* Yes No A person can be saved and still smoke marijuana.* Yes No We believe that a strong Sunday School is key to a church's success.* Yes No We care about, and regularly discuss social justice issues, as a church (human trafficking, clean water, etc.)* Yes No Politics and the endorsement of candidates has no place in the pulpit.* Yes No Our church leadership culture is highly collaborative.* Yes No We're a jeans on Sunday morning kind of church.* Yes No We consider our worship style more traditional than contemporary (and we like it like that).* Yes No Our church is multigenerational.* Yes No We are an economically diverse church.* Yes No Anyone who says the earth is millions of years old is contradicting the Bible.* Yes No We feel that countries and nations should defend themselves and we support our military.* Yes No Our church has experienced significant numerical growth over the last five years.* Yes No We think every church should have a strategy for multiplication (either church planting or multisite)* Yes No Our church believes that the covenant of marriage is open to all, regardless of sexual orientation.* Yes No While our church is open to members of the LGBTQ community worshipping with us, we do not affirm gay marriage.* Yes No We place a high value on doing Sunday morning services with excellence.* Yes No Sometimes new ways of doing ministry bring better results.* Yes No Our staff person will work within the confines of our structure, until/unless it doesn't make sense. Then he/she will propose a solution.* Yes No We're looking for a 'life of the party' kind of guy/gal... personable... likeable... a 'people magnet'.* Yes No We value initiative in this position. This person needs to be largely self-motivated.* Yes No We want our candidate to be a 'people person'.* Yes No Our leader will be able to communicate tough decisions without offending people.* Yes No We aren't opposed to trying new things and taking a risk in ministry.* Yes No We need someone that is relaxed and easy-going.* Yes No Our new staff member will not be afraid to become emotionally involved in our people and ministry.* Yes No As a whole, our church values justice more than mercy.* Yes No Our next staff person will sympathize for those less fortunate in our church and seek to help them however possible.* Yes No We need a leader that will make the decisions for his/her team, rather than one that 'group decides'.* Yes No We'd rather try what SHOULD work in the future over what HAS worked in the past.* Yes No Our next staff person is not afraid to meet new people and will proactively make them feel at home at our church.* Yes No Our candidate will help us answer some really tough ministry questions in his/her first six months.* Yes No As a church, we'd think we're more focused on what will happen tomorrow than what happened today or yesterday.* Yes No We'd rather have ideas implemented quickly rather than perfectly.* Yes No We'd rather cooperate as a staff than compete.* Yes No Our person needs to be able to handle a lot of meetings and bureaucracy, at least initially.* Yes No This area of ministry is broke. We need this candidate to bring solutions and answers.* Yes No We're ok with a little tension and adventure in our ministry setting.* Yes No We HIGHLY value promptness. A staff member being consistantly late for a meeting or appointment would drive us crazy.* Yes No Setting long-term goals and direction is an important part of this position.* Yes No We're looking for an 'implementer' more than a 'visionary'.* Yes No We have no tolerance for a staff member that raises his voice with a staff member or church member.* Yes No