Final Fit Assessment Essentials Step 1 of 8 - Church & Position Profile 12% CHURCH & POSITION PROFILE We are so excited that you've partnered with Chemistry Staffing! So... let's get started! The information on this form will provide us some initial information about your church and help us determine exactly what you're looking for in your next team member. More information is better than less information at this point... so feel free to give as many details as possible! CONTACT INFORMATIONChurch Name* Church Address* Church City* State* Zip Code* Phone*Church Website Primary Contact Person* Contact Person Role* Email* Cell Phone*Preferred Contact Method*EmailPhoneText MessageThe Hiring Process* CHURCH PROFILE - PART 1Church History*Vision, Mission, Values*Average Weekend Attendance* Is Your Church MultiSite?*YesNoAttendance Trend*Attendance today compared to 5 years agoGrowingDecliningPlateaued or about the sameHow Many Campuses? Overview of Weekly Worship Gathering* CHURCH PROFILE - PART 2Denominational Affiliation and/or other Partnerships*Governance & Polity* MINISTRIES/PROGRAMS & STAFFINGCurrent Paid Staffing Level*Major Ministries of the Church*Outreach Programs Overview* THEOLOGICAL DISTINCTIVESIn the most generic sense, how would you describe your church theologically?*CharismaticEvangelical - ConservativeEvangelical - ModerateEvangelical - LiberalFundamentalistMainlinePentecostalPublished Theological Statement*What theological hills will you die on?*Hot-Button Social/Cultural Issues for Your Church* POSITION PROFILETitle of Position You Are Hiring* Category of Hire*Associate PastorCampus PastorChildren's PastorChurch PlanterCollege / Young Adults PastorCommunicationsCreative ArtsDiscipleship / Small GroupsExecutive Pastor / AdministrationFamily PastorMedia / TechnologyMissions PastorSenior / Lead PastorStudent Ministries PastorTeaching PastorWomen's PastorWorship PastorFull Time Position?*-YesNoOverall Description of this Position*Describe the last person that held this position*Reporting Relationship*Goals and Expectations*Do you have a job description for this role?* SKILLS, PERSONALITY & EXPERIENCE PROFILEWorship Style of Your Church*Educational Preferences*Age vs. Experience*Denominational Affiliation*How important is geographical location to you?*What skills are you looking for specifically?*What technical abilities (if any) are required?*Equipper or Doer?*Attractional vs. Missional*Budget Area Supervision*Personal Characteristics Desired*What would immediately disqualify someone?*Salary/Hours, etc.*Urgency*Other "Must Have" Skills*Other "Nice to Have" Skills* Finally...*HiddenOnboard Complete