Candidate Assessment - Media / Technology Thank you for filling out this assessment. Completion should take about ten minutes and must be completed in one session. Step 1 of 2 50% This field is hidden when viewing the formASSESSMENT CATEGORYName* First Last Email*Please use the same email address as you used when you submitted your resume to us recently. Any assessments using a different email address will not be able to be matched to your resume and profile. If you are unsure which email address you used when signing up, please check any emails received from Chemistry to confirm. I have successfully taught others how to use technical equipment.* Yes No I'm usually early, rather than late.* Yes No I can proficiently use ProPresenter.* Yes No I know how to maintain tech systems.* Yes No I have been ordained.* Yes No I can design a stage/set.* Yes No I feel called to doing ministry in a rural or small-town setting.* Yes No I'm no technophobe. In fact, I enjoy technology.* Yes No I know how to use digital sound and light boards.* Yes No I have experience designing lighting.* Yes No I have experience supervising paid staff during my ministry career.* Yes No I am proficient at using video and editing equipment.* Yes No In my previous ministry experience, volunteer teams own significant portions of the workload.* Yes No Both my last church and I would categorize my last transition as 'healthy'.* Yes No I have developed and/or managed a media/technology team in the past as part of my church role.* Yes No I have produced worship services before.* Yes No I have experience with live streaming a church service.* Yes No I enjoy attending church leadership conferences and feel they are important in my long-term ministry success.* Yes No I have earned or am working on a master's degree in ministry.* Yes No I consider myself to be a good communicator from the stage.* Yes No I have experience mixing audio for different music styles.* Yes No I can be content with building upon a program that is already in place, making few philosophical changes.* Yes No I feel comfortable developing the direction and philosophy for my media/tech ministry.* Yes No I have at least three years of paid experience in media/technology.* Yes No I like to set goals and enjoy regular feedback on the metrics that have been set out for my position.* Yes No