Church Assessment - College / Young Adults Thank you for filling out this assessment. Completion should take about ten minutes and must be completed in one session. Step 1 of 2 50% This field is hidden when viewing the formASSESSMENT CATEGORYChurch Name*Church City*Church State*Email* It's our expectation that our College/Young Adult Ministry go on at least one domestic or international mission trip per year.* Yes No Our new College/Young Adult Pastor will be responsible for changing the direction/philosophy of our College/Young Adult ministry.* Yes No Our next College/Young Adult Pastor needs to have past experience supervising paid staff.* Yes No Our new College/Young Adults Pastor needs to have at least a masters degree or equivalent.* Yes No Our College/Young Adult Minister will be expected to have tough but necessary conversations with young adults.* Yes No We expect our College/Young Adult Minister to disciple/mentor at least three young adults on a regular basis.* Yes No We expect our next College/Young Adults Pastor to learn through church leadership conferences and experiences and are willing to fund those growth opportunities.* Yes No We consider ourselves to be a rural or small-town church.* Yes No Our next College/Young Adults Pastor needs to consider themselves a 'techie'.* Yes No We're hoping that our next College/Young Adult Pastor will also be a great on-stage communicator (teaching team)* Yes No It's important to us that our new College/Young Adult Pastor isn't coming off a bad last College/Young Adult Pastor experience and has no baggage.* Yes No Our new College / Young Adult Pastor needs to have at least three years of paid experience as a College/Young Adult Pastor.* Yes No We think social media and technology is an important way to reach people today.* Yes No We want our College/Young Adult Minister to be personally invested in the lives of young adults.* Yes No Our new College/Young Adult Pastor will need to work more with a team than as an individual.* Yes No Our main measure of success for this position is that the College/Young Adult Ministry will grow in number each year.* Yes No We expect our College/Young Adult Minister to teach Bible-based lessons.* Yes No It is important to us that our College/Young Adult Ministry participate in service events in the community.* Yes No Our next College/Young Adult Pastor will continue our current excellent College/Young Adult program and philosophy with limited change.* Yes No Our College/Young Adult Minister will be expected to use technology and current presentation programs when teaching.* Yes No Our next College/Young Adult Pastor will not mind setting goals and being held accountable to agreed upon metrics.* Yes No Our next staff member must be currently ordained.* Yes No Our next College/Young Adult Pastor needs to have past experience in developing and managing a college/young adult ministry budget.* Yes No Evangelism will be a large part of our College/Young Adult Minister's job.* Yes No Punctuality is important to us.* Yes No